Products that affect potency

The word general potency usually refers to a man's ability to lead a normal sexual life.

But this period is wider than just the degree of penile tension, the power of potential desire and the speed of erection and the ability to ejaculate, and finally the ability to enjoy and ejaculate.

Useful products that increase the potential in men

Good potential for a man is his pride, self-confidence, this is the essence of his manhood. Problems in this area are especially painful.

About 20 years ago, 80% of violations in this area were due to psychogenic factors, and only 20% to physiological (or organic) problems, but now the situation is rapidly deteriorating.

Stress, social pressure and rhythm of life, smoking, sedentary lifestyle affect.

But the most important thing now is a diet of fast carbohydrates, trans fats and preservatives.

To improve one of the most important functions of the male body, it is enough to review and add to your diet:

  1. Products:
    • Oysters and mussels
    • chocolate
    • Ginger root
    • hil
    • walnut
    • Pumpkin seeds
  2. spices
    • saffron
    • Nutmeg
    • Vanilla
    • cloves
    • fragrant pepper
    • hil
    • coriander

Hazelnuts and seeds

Sources of highly digestible plant protein and the essential amino acid L-arginine. They contain "beneficial" Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that strengthen blood vessels. Vitamins E and A have a strong antioxidant effect and protect blood vessels.

Walnuts and almonds are especially distinguished by their composition.

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium.

L-arginine in 100 g.

  • Pumpkin seeds - 5353 mg.
  • dried peas - 2188 mg.
  • walnut - 2278 mq.
  • Cedar - 2413 mq.
  • Rice, unpolished - 602 mg.

Fish, seafood, including caviar, shellfish, shrimp

The oil-soluble vitamin contains almost the entire spectrum. - A, D, E, K, which makes them almost irreplaceable in the diet.

They contain a lot of iodine, which activates the thyroid gland, hormones, selenium and zinc, which are directly involved in the synthesis of essential amino acids.

Oily varieties of sea fish (cod, pike perch) are a rich source of vitamins. D.

In the male body, they help produce the main sex hormone testosterone, increase gravity, promote fat burning, and increase muscle mass.

Red meat

The main source of cholesterol for testosterone synthesis. And that's it.

Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables

The color indicates the presence of provitamin A, beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain fertility and protects against cancer. You can get vit by eating vegetables and fruits. And without the risk of overdose.

Also, all plant foods contain a lot of fiber, which, although it does not affect the potential, reduces the risk of obesity and normalizes the function of the intestines.


Ideal combination of protein and iodine with vitamins B5 and B6, H, PP, K, D, A, B, E, C.

The use of eggs increases endurance, helps to build and maintain muscle mass, improves blood flow to the penis and its sensitivity.


The oldest remedy, ginseng honey, as well as chestnut and buckwheat honey is believed to be the most effective. Honey is close to human blood plasma, contains useful sugar fructose, many phytoncides (plant antiseptics), potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, natural acids.

Strengthens anti-inflammatory effect, improves prostate function. Has a mild diuretic and uroseptic effect, normalizes urination. Thanks to its natural bactericidal components, it stimulates the immune system and cures latent infections.

And its plant enzymes (invertase, diastase, etc. ) improve blood circulation in the urogenital organs and increase the strength and duration of erection.

Greens (sorrel, parsley, arugula, celery) and garlic

In addition to calcium, parsley and garlic contain folic acid and B vitamins needed for sperm production. Improves innervation, increases the duration of sexual intercourse and feelings during it.

Garlic contains many essential oils and phytonutrients with aphrodisiac properties.


Combines high calorie content with good digestion


  • polyunsaturated acids
  • vit. C, D, E, B, PP,
  • folic acid,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • iron.

Avocado is one of the few foods that contains carnitine, which provides oxygen transport. This affects the rapid arousal and blood flow to the genitals.

Cheese, cottage cheese, kefir

Rich in calcium & vitaminsD, contains beneficial proteins and amino acids. The effect of dairy products is associated with the optimal combination of trace elements such as calcium, zinc and magnesium. It is magnesium that helps to relax the walls of blood vessels, ie increases the blood supply to the penis during an erection.

However, the use of pure milk is undesirable, because many adults have intolerance - lactase deficiency, which occurs with age, leads to bloating and disruption of the intestinal microflora.

Red wine and coffee

Foods that are highly controversial in terms of proper nutrition are usually recommended to be consumed in small amounts. However, red wine contains resveratrol, which slows the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and caffeine can selectively dilate the blood vessels of the penis.

In one way or another, but it has the properties of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, increasing the power of gravity and the intensity of desire many times.

Substances that affect potency and how they work

To understand what and how it affects men's strength, it is necessary to take a brief excursion into the world of men's health and understand how potential is regulated.

The peak age is considered to be 25 years. After that, the hormonal background is stable for some time. This is the time of grazing, lasting up to 30-35 years. After this age, testosterone production gradually begins to decline by about 1. 6% per year.

Testosterone was the first hormone in the body to be identified and measured, and in 1939 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the method of creating a dosage form.

It determines the strength of libido, that is, the power of desire. During adolescence, it is even more important when hormonal growth is rapid.

It transforms the boy into a man by helping the penis to grow and gain muscle mass, the voice to thicken, and the development of special, male-type hair growth. However, unequivocal information about its special role in the erection process has not yet been obtained.

The main condition for an erection is good blood vessels. They are affected by two factors - the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and the substance that expands them, nitric oxide.

Cholesterol plaques accumulate in the thickness of the vessel wall, which narrows the lumen and disrupts blood flow during an erection. The diameter of the penile arteries that feed the penis is about 2-3 mm, so circulatory disorders occur very easily.

Nitric oxide is formed in the very walls of the vessel and causes its long-term dilation, which allows the cavernous bodies to fill with blood and keep the penis active.

Fat percentage is very important. Adipose tissue contains the enzyme aromatase, which converts active testosterone into female estrogen.

With obesity (more than 104 cm around the waist), this process receives a significant portion of male hormones, leading to a decrease in desire and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

You only need a little estrogen - they are responsible for cognitive, memory and creative thinking processes. Facilitate pain tolerance. Even libido depends to a small extent on the ratio of male and female sex hormones.

Often, this complex system, especially at a young age, is affected not by serious organic disorders, but by an unhealthy lifestyle and ignorance of the body's needs.

A significant proportion of potential disorders can be eliminated with a rational approach to diet. The following is a list of substances that can eliminate imbalances in the diet and improve the male reproductive system.


Edible fats pass into the liver and are converted into cholesterol.

It is in the liver that it is divided into "fractions", ie "good" and "bad" cholesterol. "Bad" refers to low-density lipoproteins. They are placed in blood vessels and cause atherosclerotic plaques.

It is found in fatty, fatty meats, liver and fatty dairy products.

However, a strictly measured amount of cholesterol is needed, and all information about its danger is only in excess. This component is part of any cell wall and is the material for the formation of all steroid hormones.

The nucleus of cholesterol is located in the structure of the testosterone molecule and its precursor progesterone. With the sharp decline in animal fats in food, its production falls.

Most of the essential cholesterol (90%) - and this is 250 mg per 100 ml of blood - is synthesized by the liver itself. We should not take more than 1500 mg per day.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 are polyunsaturated fatty acids

It also contains "good" cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein (HDL). It fights atherosclerosis in the arteries and increases their elasticity, reduces inflammation.

The most important fatty acids for its formation are Omega-3 and Omega-6.

In addition to protecting blood vessels, many unsaturated fatty acids have another function - they form special vasodilating compounds -prostaglandins. This is a class of hormone-like substances that have the ability to enhance erections.

The process occurs due to the locking venous mechanism (blockage of blood flow) and relaxation of the muscles of the cavernous bodies, as a result of which they are intensively filled with blood.

PUFA is an indispensable factor in the body and must be provided with food.

The daily requirement is 5-10 g per day.

PUFAs are rich in oily fish (tuna, trout, salmon), fish oil and caviar, unrefined vegetable oils (flax, canola, soy, sunflower, corn), nuts (walnuts, pine, almonds), eggs.

PUFAs are better absorbed if taken with vitamin E - it is better to include foods rich in both elements in the diet.

The optimal ratio of these acids in food is 1: 3 - 1: 6 and should be strictly observed.

100 q Omeqa-3, g Omeqa-6, g Ratio
Flaxseed oil 53 17 1: 0. 3
salmon 1. 8 0. 17 1: 0. 05
walnut 2. 7 33. 7 1: 12. 5
almonds 0. 003 12. 3 1: 4100

Amino acids and proteins

Protein requirements can range from 65 to 117 grams per day, depending on age and level of physical activity. It is important to know that protein can be obtained from both animal (meat and dairy products) and plant foods (legumes, nuts, soy, etc. ), but they have different amino acid content.

Two amino acids are especially important: arginine and carnitine.


The source of nitric oxide (NO) formation in the arterial wall of arteries. Its action is to reactively fill the vessels of the penis with blood. Nitric oxide is a major biochemical factor in erections.

Its strength and duration depend on it. A good blood supply also improves the function of the prostate gland and testicles, activates the production of seminal fluid.

Active blood filling prolongs sexual intercourse, increases pleasant feelings, prolongs orgasm, increases the frequency and intensity of orgasm.

Improves arginine mood, activity & endurance

This amino acid can be obtained from food, animal and plant products. It is produced slowly and in small amounts in the body, but most must come from food.

It is found in pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, pine nuts and peanuts; meat (beef) and seafood (salmon, shrimp, anchovies, crustaceans, tuna).

The daily requirement is considered to be 6. 0 g per day, and up to 9. 0 g may be needed when working to gain muscle mass.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
peanuts 2975 mq 60%
walnut 2278 mq 46%
Chicken egg yolk 1160 mq 23%
beef 1040 mq 21%


Like arginine, it is not an essential amino acid, but is formed in small amounts (about 100-200 mg) in the body. This is enough for a normal lifestyle, but with increasing physical strength, stress needs to be taken in addition. L-carnitine is involved in the breakdown of fatty acids (fats) for energy.

This has a direct effect on both potency - because energy production directly stimulates the activity of muscles and blood vessels, and indirectly - because the amount of active testosterone increases with a decrease in adipose tissue.

L-carnitine accelerates protein synthesis and therefore increases muscle mass volume and endurance. Contains large amounts of animal meat and liver.

Daily requirement can increase to 200-500 mg, stress and physical strength up to 1200 mg.

It should be noted that after heat treatment, its amount is reduced by 25%.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
Raw lamb 160 mq thirty%
raw beef 125 mq 23%
cottage cheese 2 mq 0, 4%

Vitamin D

Surprisingly, it has never been considered a "male" vitamin before. Traditional opinions about it are primarily related to its role in calcium metabolism and bone strengthening.

Scientists have proven that its absence increases the probability of erection problems by 30%, because its reduction is directly related to the reduction of ketones.

There is a theory that when adipose tissue occupies most of the vitreous, these effects are associated with excess body weight. D and serves as a site for the conversion of testosterone.

Recent data suggest that it is recommended for those suffering from infertility, as a link has been found between hypovitaminosis D and a decrease in the number of motile and structurally normal sperm.

There is no clear evidence of its effect on male potency. However, in practice, doctors often find that filling in its gaps improves erection time and the ability to orgasm.

The daily requirement is about 1000 IU, for smokers and overweight - 2000 IU.

Vitamin D is found in almost all seafood, especially fish liver, red caviar and oily varieties of sea fish (herring, salmon, mackerel), chicken, beef and pork liver. Egg yolk also contains it.

This non-fat cheese, butter, sour cream from dairy products. Many nuts are rich in it.

There is a blood test for vitamin D. If low levels are found, the doctor will prescribe a loading dose of the drug. You should know that its level gradually rises to normal (about 3-4 months) and it is better to continue taking the maintenance dose in the future.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
Fish oil 250 mkq 2500%
Mackerel 16 mkq 161%
Tuna 5, 7 mkq 57%
Chicken egg yolk 7, 7 mkq 77%
butter 1, 5 mkq 15%
Cheese 50% fat 1 mkq 10%


Thyroid hormone is a necessary component that is part of thyroxine. It is responsible for metabolic rate. It is known that in the absence of thyroid hormones, the amount of testosterone-binding protein - sex steroid-binding globulin (SHBG or SHBG) increases.

Only the free form of ketone affects the sexual sphere, so without iodine it simply circulates in an inactive bound form. During the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, provitamin forms of vitamin A (beta-carotene) are converted into active retinoids.

The daily requirement of iodine is 100-150 mcg per day.

Of course, this trace element is found in sea fish, shrimp, caviar, sea kale and, oddly enough, cornel, buckwheat and dates.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
sea kale 300 mkq 200%
Poaching, salmon 50 mkq 33%
Chicken egg yolk 33 mkq 22%


The male body is exposed to more toxic attacks than the female. This includes smoking, hookah, more frequent alcohol intake, and less dietary concerns.

Free radicals are constantly formed in the body - aggressive oxygen compounds. Such molecules are very aggressive - they easily react with proteins, DNA, lipids, damaging cell membranes. It accelerates aging, destroys cells, increases the risk of mutations and cancer.

Free radical oxidation destroys the genetic material of sperm, which threatens infertility. Lipid peroxidation is one of the factors that trigger atherosclerosis.

By attacking the vessel wall, it causes inflammation within the radicals, rapid collapse of cholesterol and the growth of atherosclerotic plaques. Narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels in the pelvic organs slows down the blood flow to the penis during erection and reduces its sensitivity.

There are protective mechanisms for storage. E and A.

E (tocopherol)

The most important non-enzymatic antioxidant "extinguishes" free radicals of oxygen and fatty acids and protects the vascular wall. This process is especially good in the presence of vitamin C.

The daily requirement is 20-50 mg. Smokers need more.

All types of vegetable oils (except refined oils) contain nuts, seeds and grains. But it is stored only in oils obtained by "cold" press and stored in the dark.

Contains it and lettuce, cabbage. From animal products, it is fat, fat, meat, egg yolk. Milk is low in tocopherols.

Ingredients 100 g % of daily value required
Sunflower oil 44 450%
almonds 25 246%
Olive oil 12 121%
Dried white mushrooms 7. 4 74%
Cash nuts 5. 7 57
walnut 2. 6 26%
squid 2. 2 22%
Red caviar 3. 0 thirty%
sorrel 2. 0 twenty%

A (retinol)

A direct-acting antioxidant that reacts with free radicals of unsaturated fatty acids is a "trap" for them.

Needed for DNA synthesis in spermatozoa, it also regulates cell division in the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles (where sperm are formed). It also helps in the active absorption of zinc and enhances the effect of vitamin E.

Human pure retinol can be obtained only from products of animal origin: beef, dairy products (butter, cream, sour cream), egg yolk. It is especially rich in retinol fish oil and cod liver.

Yellow and orange plants (carrots, tomatoes, peppers, apricots, etc. ) contain beta-carotenoids, which contain provitamin A. With the help of a special enzyme in the intestinal mucosa, they are converted into the active form of vitine. BUT.

The daily requirement for retinol is 2-3 mg, but more often it is expressed in IU, which is about 900 IU per day. Because beta-carotene is half as active, you need twice as much.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
Fish oil 25, 000 2500%
Beef liver 8360 835%
root 2000 200%
Chicken egg yolk 925 93%
Red caviar 450 45%
butter 650 65%
Rose hips 430 43%
Bulgarian pepper 250 25%
apricot 267 27%

Trace elements zinc and selenium


This microelement actively blocks the aromatase enzyme that works to convert testosterone to estrogen. Directing biosynthesis in the right direction with the formation of the active form of dihydro-testosterone. Zinc is also a hormone molecule. With its deficiency, benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) (BPH) develops.

It is likely that zinc is able to increase sperm motility and strengthen immunity.

Alcohol, especially in the presence of beer, accelerates the secretion of zinc. Zinc deficiency, in turn, increases the tendency to alcohol dependence.

Most of this trace element is found in oysters, fish (especially sardines) and other seafood (including algae), meat. Hazelnuts and seeds are also rich in them: peanuts, cashews, sesame seeds, almonds, Brazil and walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts, especially pumpkin seeds ("white seeds").

These greens are parsley, celery, horseradish, garlic, which people have long used as a means of increasing sexual potency.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
wheat bran 7. 27 61%
Sidr 6. 45 54%
Chicken egg yolk 3. 1 26%
beef 3. 24 27%

Selenium is a vital trace element that can only be obtained externally.

A group of enzymes called glutathione peroxidase is needed for active functioning. This is another free radical cleaning system. In addition to preventing aging, selenium has a therapeutic effect on sperm, protecting their genetic material from damage.

Selenium is an important component in preparation for conception. In addition, it increases the activity of thyroid hormones and testosterone through them.

It is recommended to take selenium in combination with vitamin E for better absorption.

Rich in selenium: fish and seafood (tuna, shrimp, salmon, cod, scallops, squid), meat and offal (lamb and beef), mushrooms (especially oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms), whole grains. A well-known leader in selenium is the Brazilian nut.

The daily norm of selenium for adults is 50-70 mcg per day, zinc - 11 mg (maximum allowed 25 mg). On a body scale, these values are microscopic, almost pharmaceutical.

There are vitamin-mineral complexes that contain these elements, but it is not recommended to use them without first consulting a doctor.

Ingredients 100 g % DV
wheat bran 77. 6 141%
sunflower seeds 53 96%
Pink salmon 44. 6 81%
Cottage cheese 9% fat thirty 55%


Not the most obvious cause of impotence, but enough water is needed for normal blood circulation through the arteries. When dehydrated, blood viscosity increases and erections decrease.

This can lead to fatigue and muscle weakness. It is believed that a man needs about four liters of water a day for a stormy sex life.

And frequent use of strong tea and coffee has a diuretic effect, only increases the lack of water.

Plant-derived adaptogens

Natural energy - increases endurance, performance, reduces physical fatigue. They have a restorative and tonic effect. Their potential effects are related to improving the blood supply, which accelerates testosterone flow and enhances erections, including the genitourinary organs.

The plants contain ginseng, eleutherococcus, ginkgo biloba and are used in the form of infusions or extracts.

With the exception of food intolerances and allergic reactions, there are almost no contraindications to dietary changes. After all, these are the usual components that are part of a healthy balanced diet.

However, if you want to get faster results by increasing the dose of any vitamin or mineral, it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor.

It is important to remember that sexual function is the only function of the body in nature that occurs only in couples. Therefore, an erection depends not only on him, but also on his partner, caress, attention and care.

Impotence has long been not a mandatory component of conditions such as age or stress. After all, its causes are often hormonal imbalances and the accumulation of toxins. All this can be easily eliminated by simply adjusting it in your diet.

Thus, with proper self-care, every man can maintain his sexual power in any situation and for many years.

This article is not medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consulting a doctor.