Folk remedies for erection in men: ointments, decoctions and herbal preparations

For hundreds of years, there has been a debate between traditional and conventional medicine about the effectiveness of their methods. Each industry has its fans, but according to statistics, recently more and more people have started to prefer traditional medicine. This is not at all strange, natural-based drugs are cheaper and, unlike synthetic drugs, do not seriously harm the body. In the arsenal of non-traditional methods, there are dozens of ways to treat various diseases, and there are even folk remedies for erection.

Ointments for male enhancement

propolis ointment for potency

Almost every man at least once in his life has faced the problem of potency or, in scientific terms, erectile dysfunction. Of course, the psychological state and conditions play a big role in this matter. Everyone can be tired, angry or scared during the working day, we are not talking about it now, the problem is considered to be situations where an erection does not occur in more than 25% of cases.

Traditional healers recommend focusing on a number of ointments that can activate the circulatory system and increase blood flow to the genitals. Honey-based ointment performed better than others - it is a unique product that can be stored for decades without losing its healing power. It is not difficult to prepare an ointment at home to restore potency. To do this, you need to mix three spoons. l. Honey with 15 ml alcohol or vodka. The mixture is mixed well and stored in a dark place for 24 hours, the refrigerator cannot be used, the temperature in the storage place should not be lower than 20 degrees. Then melt 50 g of vaseline and pour it into the brewed liquid, mix again and leave it in the refrigerator for another day. Until the desired effect is achieved, this tool is applied to the genitals before going to bed.

It is important to monitor the reaction, there are many men who are allergic to puppies, so if there are red spots, the therapy should be stopped.

Folk remedies for weak erection can be based on herbs and flowers, for example, calendula ointment has proven itself very well. It is a known anti-inflammatory herb. Very often, if the cause of dysfunction is prostatitis or another inflammatory disease, it is used for therapy. The drug not only raises the genital organ, but also eliminates the source of inflammation. First, to prepare the product, you need to chop 100 g of calendula flowers and mix them with 250 ml of olive oil. The product is brewed in the sun for several days, after which this oil is mixed with 60 g of propolis. The ointment is kept in the refrigerator for another day and applied to the genitals twice a day. The effect usually occurs after three weeks of active use.

There is an easier way to treat with calendula, just melt the fat and mix it with crushed calendula leaves. Then put it in the refrigerator. This tool has no contraindications and can be used for a long time.

Decoctions to restore erection

decoctions to restore potency

Traditional methods to improve erection cannot be used only externally; A fairly good method is to take certain decoctions of medicinal plants internally. Decoction of the following plants perfectly tones and strengthens the body:

  • St. John's wort herb, fresh or dried, it doesn't matter, grind it, pour boiling water, leave for three hours. Then, filter and drink 50 g before each meal for 2 weeks;
  • Fennel seeds are crushed and mixed with a few spoons of honey, everything is poured with boiling water and cooked on low heat for another 15 minutes. After that, add the crushed valerian root. Pour the mixture into a thermos and leave for two hours. Take 1 tablespoon orally. l. 3 times a day;
  • John's wort is poured with boiling water and drunk as a regular drink whenever you feel thirsty. The plant does not cause allergies and perfectly normalizes blood pressure in the body. You can add lemon or cinnamon to the drink to improve the taste;
  • powdered calamus root mixed with ginseng root. These two herbs are excellent natural aphrodisiacs. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and keep it in a thermos for a day. Then drink half a glass an hour before sex.

Erection aids,Everyone can make an individual choice for himself, the choice of drugs in alternative medicine is made by trial and error. This is the only way to choose the blend that suits you best. Before consuming the decoction, it is very important to remember whether there is individual intolerance to any of the plants that are part of the medicine. Otherwise, you can aggravate your condition and you will have to eliminate the consequences in a hospital setting.

Herbal preparations

Folk remedies for a good erection can even be found on pharmacy shelves. All medicines of homeopathic type and natural composition are conventionally divided into single-use products and medicines that can be used constantly to maintain male potency.

According to statistics, men often use tablets, capsules, etc. in the form of herbal preparations. For example, there are capsules that should be consumed once, that is, before sexual intercourse. The medicine contains only herbal ingredients. The drug begins to act an hour after taking it and can last up to two days. The peculiarity of the drug is that it is not addictive and does not have any side effects, you can regularly use its help.

Folk remedies for erection with seahorse gland extract are also very popular. It also contains ginseng root. Despite such a strange combination of components, the range of effects of the drug on the body is very large: it affects the physical and intellectual activity of a person, tones the body and increases endurance. The product will help only after the end of the course, but one package is enough for you for one treatment. The peculiarity of the drug is that it can be used by men of different ages.

Excellentroadis the use of herbal aphrodisiacs to improve potency and stimulate sexual desire. There are thousands of people around us, although many do not suspect it. These plants and their extracts can be used in cooking, their oils in aroma lamps or in the preparation of drinks.

A good effect can be obtained by eating peanuts, vanilla, almonds, walnuts, watermelon seeds and pistachios. Probably, everyone knows the most banal folk recipe for increasing sexual activity, which consists of honey and walnuts. By consuming this medicine every day, you not only improve sexual function, but also saturate the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial Medicines for Male Power

aloe juice for potency

You can prepare medicine for potency at home without spending a lot of time and money. You can often find ingredients in the refrigerator to prepare medicine. One of the simplest and most effective options is a drink made of honey, cloves, carrot juice and milk. At first glance, it may seem that such a combination of components can only harm the intestines and spoil future plans for the day. In fact, they complement each other perfectly. The drink is drunk for a month before going to bed.

It is not uncommon for medicinal potions to be made with alcohol. A variant is a recipe in which aloe juice is mixed with 150 g of Cahors and honey. The ingredients are mixed and left in the refrigerator for a day. Then drink 20 drops before meals.

It is very important not to overdo it with the dose, alcohol remains harmful even if it is used for good purposes.

Celery root helps against many diseases and is also active in the fight against impotence. It is enough to squeeze and drink the juice of the product three times a day before meals.

Parsley is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to restore its former strength. It is enough to add the green leaves of the plant to your food, which will not only increase sexual activity, but also give food a sharp taste. If you have the opportunity to use freshly squeezed parsley juice, then you can think that you have found a cure for all ailments. Drinking 50 ml of juice a day will strengthen the gums, normalize sleep, improve vision, increase the tone of blood vessels, get rid of prostatitis and normalize potency. The activity of the adrenal glands improves significantly and, accordingly, sex hormones are produced in greater quantities. Also, parsley seeds mixed with olive oil clean the urinary tract, which is not an insignificant point for men's health.

Modern man is constantly under the influence of negative factors due to his busy work schedule. Stress, heavy physical activity and emotional upheavals have a negative impact not only on a person's behavior and mood, but also on their potential. If you don't want to poison your body with synthetic drugs, remember that among plants you can find an alternative to all known expensive drugs, completely free.