What herbs increase the potency of men without harm to health

Sex is a significant part of men's lives and often are the basis for its harmonious existence with the surrounding world. Reduce the potency in men can cause deterioration of health cause a worsening of mood, depression, lower vitality and also become the main reason for divorce.


Many factors determine the level of efficacy of the male population, including nutrition, physical activity, harmful habits (Smoking, alcohol, drugs), psychological problems and so on. In some situations, reduced potency in men is due to the use of hormones, antidepressants, or sedatives.

Men usually take care of their sexual health, because of the presence full sexual intercourse to enhance male libido, get rid of different fears, insecurities, and other psychological complexes.

Useful for men's health herbs

  • Ginseng — the root of this plant, prepare extracts and tinctures, tablets and powders. Long-term treatment provides increased sexual activity, but even a single dose is approximately seven hours before contact with the to significantly improve erection and increase its duration.

If herbs to increase the potency? Yes, and centuries-old folk medicine to prove it. Recipes of various infusions and decoctions known in Russia, China, Japan and India.

Are there any plants that are active right now? No, it is a gradual process, which requires strict compliance with recommendations and recipes.

As the name implies grass, it is intended to fight against male diseases. Just herbs has a stimulating effect, increases libido and improves erection.

Before using folk remedies to increase potency it is necessary to consult with your doctor. If you are allergic to, so you are careful, you can take herbs, some of them can cause an allergic reaction.

Balanoposthitis – inflammation of glans penis and prepuce skin of the penis pouch, men quite often. The causative agents are pathogenic microbes. In the treatment of disease used all kinds of lotions and creams.


Why did I get this disease

The most common cause of balanoposthitis is the neglect of the hygiene of the external genitalia, as well as indiscriminate and unprotected sex. The disease also develops in contact with the head of the penis staphylococci, yeasts and other microbes.

Men with diabetes, vitamin deficiency and anaemia are also at increased risk of disease development. Inflammation of the head of the penis and the foreskin of the bag is also herpes, scabies, trichomoniasis and other diseases.

Boys balanoposthitis may develop as a result of the narrow external opening of the foreskin (phimosis).

What conditions are necessary for the treatment of balani and balanoposthitis

Experts distinguish between balanitis and balanoposthitis. When balanitis inflammatory process develops only the head of the penis. When balanoposthitis inflamed also the head of the penis and the skin of the foreskin.

When local treatment the doctor puts the patient before the mandatory conditions to guarantee successful recovery:

  • careful hygiene of the head and the foreskin. Without this it is impossible to achieve the desired result;
  • the removal of the pathogen by using certain medicines;
  • the combination of local treatment with the antiviral and antibacterial components. A list is needed for this medication is made individually for each patient.

Before you start looking for recipes of traditional medicine, you should carefully examine the herbs increase power, their features and possibilities.

Causes of reduced potency in men and treatment

To solve the problems in men, the widely used sage. In the course of going, its on the buds, shoots and leaves:

  1. Sage you need to take two large spoonfuls of (the leaves), and pour a glass of boiling water, then bring to readiness in a water bath, about a quarter of an hour. Having strained and chilled.
  2. The grass in the amount of one tablespoon, pour boiling water (200 ml), and insist in a thermos about half an hour. Part is divided into three stages.
  3. Help at home premature ejaculation bath with herbs like sage, thyme, chamomile and calendula. For the preparation you need to take all ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water and infuse for forty minutes.

Herbal medicine since ancient times widely used in the treatment of various diseases. Prostatitis and BPH are among them. Herbs are not inferior to medication, and it is better absorbed by the body.The benefits of herbal medicine.

Herbal medicine

The benefits of herbal medicine

To determine the possibility of using herbs to increase potency is to evaluate all the advantages of home care.

How to increase potency in men with the help of folk remedies

Before starting the treatment, requires the reorganization of lifestyle, give up bad habits. It is necessary to eliminate the negative factor was the beginning of the development of the disease. For this, we need to know what can be the reason for the decline of power:

  • Alcohol affects men's power. Alcoholic beverages has a powerful effect on sexuality. Regular use of alcohol leads to loss of sexual capacity. Hence, get rid of the problem, you need to stop this bad habit, if any.
  • Smoking causes many diseases, it affects power. Modern cigarettes have many chemicals, which are used to improve the taste, improve the effect, and so on. In addition, cigarettes contain a toxic resin, which affects the production of male hormones. Get rid of the negative effects of Smoking, it is better to leave this bad habit.
  • The wrong diet, namely the consumption of fatty and fried foods adversely affect sexual potency. Fried foods contain carcinogenic substances that reduce men's power. Vegetarian food, milk products should be regularly present in the man menu.
  • Stress, nervous disorders, depression complicates the problem of power. It is necessary to develop the ability to deal with stress, learn to productively cope with problems and difficulties.

Only having solved all these problems, you can start the treatment.

But it should be clear that impotence can develop under the influence of some chronic diseases, such as:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • atherosclerosis and diseases of the blood vessels;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, bladder, testes.

In the presence of such problems, some traditional medicine can not cope with. Medication is necessary, which is directed to the causes.

Strengthening the male body, increase the production of testosterone is ensure reasonable use St. john's wort. Prepare 10 grams of grass pour a glass of boiling water. The drug required a third of a Cup a day.

Tea power

How to prepare for the use of folk remedies to increase potency

So what rules to follow, so herbs to improve the potency in men was the most effective and had side effects?

  • Treatment with herbs is effective only when the exact cause of lowering of potency.
  • Decide what kind of grass it is better to use, don't listen to the advice of friends, and always consult on this matter with a specialist.
  • In some diseases, a positive effect of integrated treatment, where the treatment of herbs should be combined with holding medical treatment and physiotherapy procedures.
  • Positive results the treatment of medicinal plants is seen only after a long time use, so be prepared for that one day of receiving the herbal infusion is not a magical effect.
  • During the course of treatment, herbs, not to drink alcohol need to quit Smoking and stick to a light diet diet.

The course of treatment with herbs should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient, the exact diagnosis of the disorder, the research, the history of the disease. The expert chooses the grass, contraindications and their combination, which is used for medical supplies, determine the duration of the course.

Payments and herbs

Such ways of the Tibetan monks treated the men in the fifth century BC. Ready it is not difficult, the main thing – to adhere to the recommended dosage.

Another tool that can improve the erectile function and do not require long treatments.

It is difficult to overestimate how important it is that men with normal potency. The problem of "man" often becomes the cause of insecurity in themselves and their abilities, and no longer feel the fullness of life, of the nervous system develop more serious illness.

Modern medicine offers many solutions to the violation of an erection, but they mainly is the use of drugs, which have side effects.

However, before applying, pharmacy drugs makes sense to try to use natural remedies. For example, many people know that the help of tincture of ginseng power. What is another herb to increase male potency?

Herbs of power can be used alone. But much more effectively, if they make the payments and take as recommended. What plants can be used to increase male potency?

On the basis of the above funds can be made, drugs to increase potency.

Medicinal plants


Folk remedies to improve the potency contain herbal treatment. With the right choice of herbs can add power quickly.

Male power in most cases is reduced due to inflammatory processes, or circulatory disorders. Medicinal plants, help to solve this problem.

They can be used to regulate blood circulation, expand blood vessels, reduce inflammation. Ingredients for the preparation of drugs should be bought only in pharmacies, not buy herbs the natural market.

Nettle. Improves metabolism and stimulates urinary function. To prepare the medication need to take 100 grams of finely chopped herbs and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Ready means you take three times a day before meals.

The crushed root of ginseng – 0,5 tbsp;honey – 2 tablespoons of This drug is taken by mouth 4 times a day one teaspoon for one dose.


Herbs to increase potency in men, immediate action is not there, they start acting only after long-term moderate use.

An excellent tool is a collection of mint, nettle and st. john's wort. One big spoon of the mixture pour a liter of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes, strain, divided into several parts and take the whole day.

Great help not only for nettle herb, and its seeds. For the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the seeds brewed as a tea, pour enough in a Cup a spoon of the seeds, pour the water and drink it half an hour.

A wonderful way to improve male potency is the use of the seeds of nettles with red wine and bee honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. In addition, in men, increases immunity, purifies the blood, is prostatitis.

Black cumin

Erectile dysfunction at home using black cumin:

  1. the seeds grind in a coffee grinder;
  2. measure a teaspoon;
  3. pour a tablespoon of olive oil.

The course of treatment is 1 month. At the same time a dose, take black cumin chicken eggs, it is best to do it before Breakfast.

Well, against reduced power working in the oil plant. Take 25 drops added to a tablespoon of natural honey, take a month and a half three times a day.


Increase libido will help the rhizome of the galangal. The plant has the ability to improve heart function, reduce the consequences of stressful situations. Plant mixed with other herbs. the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The raw material is boiled for about 20 minutes over very low heat, to insist 2 hours. Taking the recommended three times a day. The usual dose is two large spoons 15 minutes prior to a meal.

Ginseng root

Use galangal root desirable, when high body temperature, colds, infectious processes in the body. Another limitation is the tendency of blood clot formation.

Ginseng root

Tibet and the Altai ginseng is an excellent natural aphrodisiac, it is part of a series of supplements against impotence and other sexual disorders. The plant is a complex of essential oils, tannins, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The plant treats the symptoms of weak power, tones the body, good for the duration of sexual intercourse.

Dried ginseng mixed with vodka, insist 3 days, take 25 drops 30 minutes before a meal. Medicine, of course, in this case, drink 15 drops three times a day for three months.

According to statistics, the erectile dysfunction in men becomes "younger", that is, if before men, decreased libido in old age, today faced with increasingly youth. Traditional medicine and use of medicinal plants to fix low libido is a common objective — the elimination of the causes of this phenomenon and its consequences.